This page is part of our decision support tool.

You have now designed the key features of a funding model that is appropriate to your programme. The implementation of funding models is outside the scope of this DST. Your next steps to implement the model will depend on the features of the model, in particular the selected channel. For example, you may need to initiate a competitive grant process or to undertake a procurement process.
However, the good intentions embodied in a well-designed financial model can be undermined if it is badly implemented. We therefore offer a small number of guidelines on implementation.
If you will not be implementing the financial model yourself, you need to ensure that the person or body who will be doing so understands its ‘letter and spirit’ and acts accordingly. Involve them in the design stages so they are familiar with the reasons why you have designed the financial model the way you have. This will help them to implement it in line with your intentions.
This may be particularly important if you are going to implement the financial model through an intermediary. In practice, however, if a policy-maker chooses not to use an external intermediary, the policy-maker may still allocate responsibility for implementation to an ‘internal intermediary’ in his or her own organisation; this may be the ‘central procurement unit’ or ‘grants team’ or similar. You need to engage an internal intermediary in the same way as an external intermediary.
In Annex E, we offer a small number of illustrative case studies linked to possible funding models. At present, they are examples only. However, we hope that, over time it will be possible for government to develop them into a small number of generic funding models that can be used across government. This would reduce considerably the current cost to government of administering many different funding models.
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