This page is part of our decommissioning toolkit.

Decommissioning, whatever form it takes, requires providers to think about and manage change. This is often made more challenging due to tight timeframes and poor quality information. In some cases decommissioning raises very complex issues. Commissioners should sign-post providers to sources of advice and support, particularly for specific issues such as the management of Transfer of Undertakings (TUPE) [see Footnote 1].

The size of the contract often determines how complex these issues are and small contracts can sometimes be seen by commissioners as easy wins requiring less consideration.

Footnote1: Section 75 of the National Health Service Act 2006 allows the pooling of funds where payments may be made towards expenditure incurred in the exercise of any NHS or ‘health-related’ local authority functions. A lead partner may commission services on behalf of the others and partners may combine resources, staff and management structures to help integrate service provision.  The aim is to minimise overlap/gaps in service delivery, increase efficiency, improve value for money and ensure that services are designed to meet the needs of service users.

Table of contents

Decommissioning toolkit: Table of contents

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Good communication

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Working with TSOs: What does good practice look like?