Last updated – June 25 2015


These graphics are based on findings from the Civil Survey People Survey. The original analysis was done by the Cabinet Office and we have not carried out a full cross-check of the results. The underlying department-level data has already been published on the NAO has simply restructured the published spreadsheets to make the data more accessible and reusable.

We have presented findings from the 17 core departments, excluding the results of departments’ executive agencies where the survey makes this possible. For the trend data, we have only included data from the core Home Office (called “Home Office HQ” or “Home Office Policy and Enablers” in the original People Survey) due to changes in the structure of the department. Trend data for the Department for Education includes the former Department for Children, Schools and Families.

The Cabinet Office has carried out analysis to create scores which summarise survey respondents’ opinions about:

  1. employee engagement
  2. inclusion and fair treatment
  3. leadership and change management
  4. their managers
  5. their teams
  6. the nature of their work
  7. organisational objectives and purpose
  8. pay and benefits
  9. resources and workload.

These summary scores are shown in the graphics above, in addition to simple survey questions where possible. Higher scores for these themes indicate more positive answers by survey respondents. Where simple percentages are shown, the graphics show the percentage of respondents who answered ‘yes’ to a question, or who agreed or strongly agreed with the statement in the question.

Responses to the people survey are optional and completion rates varied between and within departments. Our graphics show the overall response rate for each department, and the number of people responding to a question, where possible. You may view this information by hovering your mouse pointer over the graphic.

More details about the survey methodology are available in the Cabinet Office’s technical guide to the 2014 survey.


Changes to the questionnaire are described in the Cabinet Office’s technical guide to the 2014 survey: some changes will limit year-on-year comparability and we urge users to refer to the technical guidance to check whether trends they are interested in are affected.


The data used to create the above visualisation can be downloaded as csv files here:

Number of Respondents by year: NumberofRespondentsdata.csv

Civil Service People Survey trend data:CSPeopleSurveydata.csv

2014 Survey Individual question data:2014QuestionData v3.csv

For further information about the data republished here, please see Cabinet Office’s technical guidance, found here: Cabinet Office’s technical guide to the 2014 survey

The original data was published here, along with some further data and analysis from the People Survey:

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