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Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, issued a report today on good practice in performance reporting by Executive Agencies and Executive Non-Departmental Public Bodies. His report is designed to assist agencies to improve further their performance reporting by setting out suggestions based on their own good practice in collecting and reporting performance information.

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The report highlights examples of how agencies are providing information on their key activities and meet the needs of stakeholders. It draws on the results of NAO’s work on agency performance, including validations of reported performance, and presents case study material alongside more general statements about good practice.

"This is my first general report in this developing area, and has been written to contribute to the advancement of performance measurement and reporting in central government. The report includes a high level checklist on the quality and presentation of data in agency annual reports. I encourage Chief Executives to use the checklist for assessing how well they are monitoring and reporting their agencies' performance."

Sir John


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