Preparations to extend early years entitlements for working parents in England
Published on:Government set an ambitious timetable to expand free childcare; consequently, it’s facing uncertainty on feasibility, costs, and benefits.
Government set an ambitious timetable to expand free childcare; consequently, it’s facing uncertainty on feasibility, costs, and benefits.
This report examines whether the Department for Education is supporting disadvantaged families effectively through free early education and childcare entitlements.
Last updated – 29 July 2020 Introduction to the topic Evidence has shown that high-quality early education and childcare can support children’s development and improve their outcomes. The Department for Education funds three entitlements to free early education and childcare in England: By funding the entitlements, the Department for Education aims to support children’s development […]
This report examines whether the Department for Education is supporting disadvantaged families effectively through free early education and childcare entitlements.