Search results for 'Commissioning services'

Showing 1 - 20 of 99 results

  1. How to deliver regulation locally

    Insight Lessons learned

    Published on:

    This report brings together our learning and identifies eight areas for government departments and national regulators to consider when designing, delivering and improving regulation involving local regulatory delivery.

  2. Mental health in prisons

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Government does not know how many people in prison have a mental illness, how much it is spending on mental health in prisons or whether it is achieving its objectives. It is therefore hard to see how Government can be achieving value for money in its efforts to improve the mental health and well being of prisoners. In 2016 there were 40,161 incidents of self-harm in prisons and 120 self-inflicted deaths.

  3. Government Commercial and Contracting: an overview of the NAO’s work

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This overview of the NAO’s work on the government’s management of contracting examines subjects including the government’s commercial capability, accountability and transparency, and its management of contracted-out service delivery.

  4. Improving patient access to general practice

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Challenging objectives for improving access to general practice have been set by the Department and NHS England, but a more coordinated approach and stronger incentives are needed.

  5. Investigation into the collapse of the UnitingCare Partnership contract in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    In December 2015 a five year contract, worth around £800 million between UnitingCare Partnership and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough clinical commissioning group collapsed after only 8 months because it ran into financial difficulties. NAO examined the design, procurement and operation of the contract and the events that led to its termination.

  6. Progress on the Sellafield site: an update

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The NAO has today published an update for the Public Accounts Committee, detailing developments in the management of the Sellafield site, the UK’s largest and most hazardous nuclear site, and the extent to which progress has been made in decommissioning and cleaning it up.

  7. Children in care

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Department for Education is not meeting its objectives to improve the quality of care and the stability of placements for children in care.

  8. Managing the transition to the reformed health system

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Although new organisations set up as part of the reformed health system were ready to start functioning on time, the transition to the system is not yet complete.

  9. Out-of-hours GP services in England

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Although some areas of the NHS in England are achieving value for money for out-of-hours GP services, this is not the case across the board.

  10. Programmes to help families facing multiple challenges

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Two government programmes aiming to help families with multiple challenges, such as unemployment and anti-social behaviour, are starting to provide benefits but considerable challenges remain.

  11. Cloud services: asking the right questions

    Insight Opinion

    Published on:

    Cloud services’ can bring cost and performance benefits. But they can also bring new challenges and risks. To help leaders oversee decision-making and implementation of cloud services, we recently published ‘Guidance for audit committees on cloud services’. The magazine, Public Sector Executive, invited us to outline the issues in the article The National Audit Office’s guide […]

  12. Progress in preventing cardiovascular disease

    Work in progress

    Autumn 2024

    The study will examine how effectively government is identifying, preventing and mitigating the impact of cardiovascular disease on people and the economy.

  13. The commissioning of specialised services in the NHS

    Report Interactive visualisation

    Published on:

    Explore the results of our surveys of NHS acute hospitals and clinical commissioning groups, showing their views on NHS England’s commissioning of specialised services.