Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office 2023-24
Published on:This report provides an introduction to FCDO and our examination of its spending and performance.
This report provides an introduction to FCDO and our examination of its spending and performance.
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office has made substantial progress with the merger that created it, although some issues remain.
This report examines the government’s management of the reduction in Official Development Assistance spending.
This report assesses whether DFID’s 2018 Strategic Vision for Gender Equality is well placed to secure value for money.
This report examines the government’s management of the reduction in Official Development Assistance spending.
The Department for International Development’s programme in Malawi has contributed to poverty reduction, improved health outcomes, larger harvests and more effective governance in the country, according to a report by the National Audit Office. It is difficult, however, to gauge how much of this progress can be attributed directly to DFID’s aid. Progress has been […]
The Department for International Development met, for the calendar year 2013, the government target to spend 0.7% of the UK’s annual gross national income on overseas aid.
Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, today reported to Parliament that the Department for International Development have made a major contribution to easing the humanitarian crisis arising from the problems in Kosovo. And there are lessons for the future, for example in the way the Department plan for emergencies and manage their […]
This briefing by the National Audit Office is designed to support the International Development Committee’s inquiry into the Department for International Development’s Multilateral Aid Review (MAR).