Last updated – 13 January 2017


1) The breakdown of the local population in each Local Authority is based on the following:

a. For the gender and ethnicity comparisons, the breakdown is based on 10-14 year olds residing in the local authority at the time of the 2011 Census. Published by the Office for National Statistics.

b. For the free school meals comparison, the breakdown is based on pupils eligible for and claiming FSM, on the roll of state-funded secondary schools within the local authority as at January 2015. Published by the Department for Education.

c. For the special educational needs comparison, the breakdown is based on pupils with statements or EHC plans, on the roll of state-funded secondary schools within the local authority as at January 2015. Published by the Department for Education.

2) NCS participation is defined as the number of participants turning up for NCS within each year, divided by the number of 16 to 17 year olds residing in each local authority as at 30 June 2015. Published by the Office for National Statistics.

3) Deprivation data has been taken from the 2015 English Indices of Multiple Deprivation and is defined as the average deprivation score for all lower super output areas within the local authority, taken across all domains. Published by the Department for Communities and Local Government.000

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