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Showing 1 - 20 of 56 results

  1. The NHS at 75: what have decades of NAO audits told us?

    Insight Opinion

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    Senior Audit Manager Natalie Low gives an NAO perspective on the NHS as it turns 75. What has many decades of the NAO auditing one of the largest employers in the world revealed?

  2. Efficiency savings require learning past lessons

    Insight Opinion

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    Gareth Davies, head of the NAO, outlines lessons from NAO reports into the government’s handling of COVID-19 in a keynote speech at the Houses of Parliament.

  3. Regulation post-EU exit: what are the key issues?

    Insight Opinion

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    We brought together experts on regulation and Britain’s relationship with Europe to discuss the issues facing regulators following the UK’s exit from the EU.   

  4. Achieving value for money for government’s environmental goals

    Insight Opinion

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    2021 was a big year for government’s commitments to the environment. The statutory target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 was backed up with a strategy and the Environment Bill gives legal force to nature recovery targets. The challenge now lies in turning targets and strategies into actions that will combat rising […]

  5. Mapping the Justice landscape 

    Insight Opinion

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    This piece explains how the NAO uses spatial analytics to bring audit teams closer to the data and visualise the complex geographic relationships at work behind the scenes in the justice system.

  6. Taking on the challenge of public sector cyber security

    Insight Opinion

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    The government recently published its new Cyber Security Strategy specifically aimed at building a cyber resilient public sector. Resilience is key in underpinning its vision to make the UK a cyber power in a world increasingly shaped by technologies that offer many benefits but also pose risks. The strategy reiterates that government remains an attractive […]

  7. Delivering programmes at speed? What you need to consider

    Insight Opinion

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    Ambulances need to travel fast! Ambulance drivers must take risks that regular drivers do not. This includes running red lights and travelling at high speeds through busy roads. However, to avoid accidents, precautions are taken to manage risks. The driver is trained, there are flashing blue lights and loud sirens. Delivering programmes at speed requires […]