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Showing 1 - 20 of 3979 results

  1. Energy bills support: an update

    Work in progress

    Autumn 2024

    This will be a follow-up to our 2023 report, which will include the total costs of each of the energy bills support schemes.

  2. Buckingham Palace Reservicing on track

    Press release

    Published on:

    A programme to update Buckingham Palace costing £369 million has been well-managed to date and demonstrates good practice in numerous areas.

  3. The Farming and Countryside Programme

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Farming and Countryside Programme aims to reform English farming. The stakes are high for food production, farm viability and the environment.

  4. Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage programme

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Government says carbon capture technology is ‘essential’ to achieving net zero. The government doesn’t have a credible alternative pathway.

  5. Government compensation schemes

    Insight Lessons learned

    Published on:

    There is no central coordinated approach when government sets up new compensation schemes resulting in a relatively slow, ad-hoc approach.

  6. DWP customer service 

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    DWP’s customer service has fallen short of expected standards in recent years, and is letting down some of the most vulnerable in society.

  7. Government’s general grants schemes

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Government has improved its administration of grants, but it has further to go to optimise the value for money of its schemes.

  8. Improving family court services for children

    Work in progress

    Spring 2025

    This study will examine whether the MoJ and other bodies involved in the family court system are managing the service efficiently and effectively.