The Farming and Countryside Programme
Published on:The Farming and Countryside Programme aims to reform English farming. The stakes are high for food production, farm viability and the environment.
The Farming and Countryside Programme aims to reform English farming. The stakes are high for food production, farm viability and the environment.
A summary of Defra’s spending in 2019-20, its major areas of activity and performance, and the challenges it is likely to face in the coming year, based on the insights from our financial audit and value for money work.
This report examines the strategic management of the Environmental Land Management scheme.
The NAO is publishing a suite of Departmental Overviews, one for each government department and a selection of cross-government issues, to assist House of Commons Select Committees and Members of Parliament.
This Overview summarises the Department’s responsibilities on how it spends its money and its key developments of work.
This report examines Defra’s approach to developing the Future Farming and Countryside Programme.
This report examines the effectiveness of regulations to ensure that food is safe and is what it says it is.
This briefing is designed to support the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee’s (the Committee’s) inquiry into food security.
The NAO is publishing a suite of short guides for the new Parliament, one for each government department and a selection of cross-government issues, to assist House of Commons select committees and members of Parliament.
This briefing describes the Civil Contingencies Secretariat’s contingency preparations for the UK exiting the EU without a deal.
This memorandum supports the Public Accounts Committee’s examination of the government’s preparedness for ‘no deal’
This is a briefing for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee.
This is our second report on the progress Defra has made in preparing for EU Exit.
The report focuses on how the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs is preparing to exit from the EU. It is part of a series of NAO briefings on the key bodies in the centre of government and the major spending departments that have to deliver Exit programmes.
20 December 2017
Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs) are local independent public bodies responsible for managing water levels in low-lying areas where there is a special drainage need and contributing to flood risk management. IDBs cover nearly 10% of England’s land area and spent more than £61m last year. The report focuses on governance and oversight arrangements; processes for raising concerns; and, the potential for conflicts of interest.
This Departmental Overview looks at Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) and summarises its performance during the year ended March 2016, together with our recent reports on it.
Amyas Morse, the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), has qualified his opinion on the 2015-16 accounts of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
The NAO is publishing a suite of short guides, one for each government department, to assist House of Commons Select Committees.
This report summarises the key information and insights from our examinations of Defra and related bodies in the sector in England.
This an update on earlier reports by the NAO and Committee of Public Accounts on the progress of the Common Agricultural Policy Delivery Programme. It focuses primarily on the 2015 Basic Payment Scheme payments to English farmers and landowners and improvements to the process for the 2016 and future years.