Civil service workforce: Recruitment, pay and performance management
Published on:Government has opportunities to improve the efficient management of its workforce, including on recruitment, pay and performance management.
Government has opportunities to improve the efficient management of its workforce, including on recruitment, pay and performance management.
Customers cumulatively spent 798 years on hold waiting to speak with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in 2022-23.
These good practice guides share practical tips on improving the quality and efficiency of day-to-day services provided by government.
This report examines the performance, implementation, procurement and management of the Green Homes Grant scheme.
This report examines the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy’s management of its business support schemes.
This report examines whether the British Business Bank is improving access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Our study evaluates how far the government has an effective system for measuring progress towards its environmental objectives.
This report examines the condition and capacity of HM Prison and Probation Service’s prison estate.
This report assesses how well Ofwat, Ofgem, Ofcom and the FCA measure and report their performance in protecting consumer interests.
There have been improvements in the way government plans and manages public sector activity, but the NAO does not consider that there exists a coherent, enduring framework for planning and management.
This report is published alongside ‘Spending Review 2015’.
There have been improvements in the way government plans and manages public sector activity, but the NAO does not consider that there exists a coherent, enduring framework for planning and management.
This report is published alongside ‘Government’s management of its performance: progress with single departmental plans’.
The Building Public Trust Awards recognise outstanding corporate reporting that builds trust and transparency. This interactive document illustrates a range of good practice examples in public sector reports.
This good practice guide aids improvement in performance measurement and reporting by regulators and other organisations seeking to deliver outcomes through third parties. It has been developed in collaboration with regulators and includes the NAO’s experience from working with them and examples of regulators’ good practice. It’s complemented by ‘Performance measurement: Good practice criteria and maturity model’.
This investigation examines DHSC’s performance in managing PPE contracts. It is a factual account of what has happened since November 2020.
In this report we describe the civil service’s training and development of its leaders, focusing on the senior civil service and the pipeline of future senior leaders
HM Treasury and HMRC do not keep track of tax reliefs intended to change behaviour, or adequately report to Parliament on whether tax reliefs work as expected.
The report covers HMRC’s progress in operating the PAYE service, its implementation of its new Real Time Information service and its performance in tax collection and in reducing error and fraud in personal tax credits.
This briefing gives a high-level overview of the range of metrics that government uses to assess and report on sustainable development and environmental protection, and how these compare with good practice principles for a performance management framework.
This investigation assesses government’s oversight of the waste industry and what action is taken to address illegal activity.
Payment by results (PbR) schemes are hard to get right, and are risky and costly for commissioners. Credible evidence for claimed benefits of PbR is now needed.